European Ecosystem Leader in Technologies
Global Competitiveness Cluster for Secure Communicating Solutions
SCS is a global competitiveness cluster dedicated to digital technologies.
Competitiveness Cluster

FIND OUT MORESAFE is the French competitiveness cluster operating in the sectors of Aeronautics & Space, Security & Safety, Defense & Environment (risks & resilience). From its southern French bases in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, it oversees a network of more than 450 stakeholders (SMEs, mid-caps, large groups, research and training centers, end users), 60% of which are corporate entities.
Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques & Spatiales (Association of French Aerospace Industries)
GIFAS, the Association of French Aerospace Industries, has over 400 members, and acts as the representative structure for this sector in France. All of its work focuses on common, shared interests to support each of its members.